Upgrading kernels

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A recent addition to the repository has been a 2.6.16 kernel. For the forseeeable future, updated emc-modules packages will be made available for kernels. However, some users would like to keep up with the latest changes and upgrade anyway.

Adding the following line to your /etc/apt/sources.list

deb [WWW] http://bdi4emc.ourproject.org/debian sarge extras non-free

Using Synaptic or the command line, install linux-image-2.6.16-rtai and the corresponding emc-modules package (the RTAI modules will be pulled in automatically). Next, edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and remove the first occurence of:


This will be around line 20.. This can be avoided by upgrading grub to grub-0.97 and running grub-install..

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